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With the frantic pace and multiple tasks most of us face in juggling work and home responsibilities, we lose sight of what should make up our''real" life the people and activities that matter to us, and a sense of who we are as a unique individual. Taking steps to simplify. our life can go a long way towards restoring a sense of balance and easing stress. 

There are different concepts of passing time and relaxing during get-together. Those were the days when parties meant sitting around in idle conversation, sometimes tearing known persons apart. Education and technology has changed the meanings of social get-together. which are now more inclined towards entertainment. Life has become full of tension and stress and it is during parties that one wants to relax and release this stress. 

Whenever l have consented to attend a party or picnic, the portfolio of organizing and conducting games has invariably been entrusted on me, due to my compering and organizing capacity. Many a times I have been requested to organize games at the spur of the moment. TO satisfy myself with innovative ideas. I searched many a bookstore for fresh games, but to no avail. This prompted me to compile this book. Many of the games listed in this book are my own creation and all have been tried by me at some time or the other.