What Did You Ask At School Today
The follow-up book to the much-recommended What Did You Ask At School Today? A Handbook of Child Learning (Book 1), which sold over 10,000 copies! This book deals with topics in development and learning that are of interest to teachers and parents and indeed anyone interested in children and how they grow and learn. Since the publication of the first book, What Did You Ask at School Today: A Handbook of Child Learning, Book 1, there has been an increasing interest in and awareness of psychological issues revolving around learning and children. Along the way, we in India have also absorbed some mistaken ideas, or oversimplified notions, such as about learning styles or critical windows in development. What Did You Ask at School Today: A Handbook of Child Learning, Book 2 explores these topics further and also tackles others that are particularly timely, such as how to teach for understanding, and digital tech in the classroom. Addressing both educators and parents, this book attempts to clarify concepts that are complex and messy in the real world of learning and childhood